Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Designing the Site: Soon!

I feel that I have let twist in the wind the concept of designing a web presence that actually works.

I have plenty of interests: sports, entertainment, politics, book thoughts, economics, business and entrepreneurial interests, to name the brief selection.

So when things calm down, and I get time, I will be redesigning all 4 sites:
Anything Written
Anything Written Too
No More Mr. Nice Guy
No More Mr. Nice Guy Too

To meet the needs of the people that visit. (Uh, yeah, should have done that a while back.)
It is my ultimate hope to put the best things I've written, proposed and dreamed up in the appropriate categories. I will make it visually stunning - ok, that's a stretch - but you will know what gives on the site.

I tried for 3 years to write all things considered in my noodle in 1/2 blogs. It really did not work.

Meanwhile, I am broaching a point where I can actually see my baseball book come to a decisive end. The title works. The chapters are filling in. The research done in the past two years improves upon the 1st draft done in late 2007. AND -- Wait for it -- It might be a publishable piece of baseball history and SELL!!??!!???

Well, the last part is more my wishes than reality. But we all have dreams - like sands through the hourglass - these are the summer days of our lives!!!

I'm excited and maybe, irrational at the moment. Irrational in thinking this year is THE Year!

So I hope the redesign is received well as I move forward to the year 2010.

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